1. Contents
The Hyzerline Disc Golf Trainer consists of the following: Carrying Bag, Fariway Driver Disc, Braking Chute, Braking Line, Line Extension
2. Locate Braking Line
You can identify the Braking Line because is is the line that has an end that looks like the image above.
3. Loop Braking Line Over Disc Connector
Place the loop at the end of the Braking Line over the Disc Connector on the bottom of the disc.
4. IMPORTANT: Tighten Braking Line Connector
The Braking Line Connector has a plastic sheath that must be tightened by sliding it toward the center of the Disc Connector. The plastic sheath must be gripped firmly and slid toward the center of the connector in such a way that the loop in the end of the braking line becomes smaller. The image above shows a properly tightened connector. Notice that the end of the plastic sheath is now tightened toward the center of the Disc Connector. This allows the Braking Line Connector to still rotate freely, but the sheath now makes the loop in the line smaller so that the line cannot come off of the Disc Connector. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO GET THIS CONNECTOR TIGHTENED PROPERLY SO THE DISC CANNOT DETACH FROM THE BRAKING LINE ACCDENTALLY.
5. Locate Braking Chute
Locate the Braking Chute (pictured above).
6. Attach Braking Line To Braking Chute
Use the clasp at the end of the Braking Line to attach it to the metal loop at the end of the Braking Chute
7. Setup Complete
Your Hyzerline Disc Golf Trainer is ready to use. In this configuration the disc can fly up to ~30 feet before the braking effect slows it down. This configuration is ideal for pre-round warmup or for practicing in a smaller area.
8. OPTIONAL: Attach Line Extension
Locate the Braking Line Extension. It is longer than the Braking Line and has a loop on one end and a clasp on the other end. It is pictured above.
8. OPTIONAL: Attach Line Extension (continued)
Attach the clasp on the Braking Line to the loop on the Braking Line Extension. Attach the clasp on the Braking Line Extension to the loop on the Braking Chute. This configuration is shown above. With this configuration the disc will be able to fly ~100 feet before the braking effect slows it down.
This configuration can be used to more clearly observe the initial line of your throws and overall fight characteristics.
1. Prepare For Storage
The following is suggested method for most easily winding up the Braking Line for storage of the device. It is important to detach the Braking Line Extension prior to using this method.
Place the Braking Line as depicted on your right hand. The disc remains attached and is draped behind the thumb, and the remainder of the Braking Line is draped between the ring and pinky finger.
2. Winding The Braking Line
Using the left hand, wind the Braking Line alternately between your thumb and pinky, crossing the line in between to form a figure 8 pattern as depicted above. This figure 8 pattern makes it much more difficult for the line to become tangled.
3. Ready For Storage
Once the Braking Line is fully wound up, carefully remove your thumb and pinky fingers and place the Braking Chute on top as depicted above. This is the recommended configuration for storage as the device is always ready for a quick warm up session.
If the Braking Line Extension was also used then use the same winding technique explained above to wind up the Braking Line Extension.
4. Store The Device
Place all components into the Carrying Bag.
5. Close Carrying Bag
Use the cord lock to close the Carrying Bag
Safety and Storage Demonstration
It is important to use your Hyzerline Trainer in a safe manner. Never throw toward people or pets or nearby objects. Always inspect the Hyzerline Trainer for signs of unsafe wear prior to use. Always consider that the disc will fly a certain distance before the braking system has time to slow the disc. Always throw with the braking chute offset from your throwing line. This ensures that the disc will not pull the line along your body which could lead to rope burns or other injury. The following video demonstrates proper use.